Coffee Bread Pudding

Bread pudding is a very common pudding and lots of variety types included in it. Here comes one of the most simple and delicious coffee flavored bread pudding. There is few more bread puddings are listed in my blog earlier. They are Simple caramel bread pudding, bread and jam pudding, cream bread pudding and bread fruit pudding.
  1. Bread- 4 slices cut up into small pieces
  2. Eggs-1
  3. Sugar-1/2 cup
  4. Coffee powder-1 tbsp
  5. Milk-1 1/4 cup 
  6. Cinnamon stick-1small piece
  7. Salt-a pinch
  8. Vanilla extract-1/2 tsp.
  9. Vanilla essence-3 drops
  • In a saucepan, add the milk, sugar and cinnamon stick. Let it boils.
  • When it cool down, remove the cinnamon stick
  • Blend bread pieces(cut out the edges) with milk and the rest of all ingredients.
  • Pour the mixture in the pudding mold and bake for an hour in a double boiler (or steam cook it for 30-40 minutes in a steamer on stove top.).
  • When it cool down, remold from the pan.
  • Chill for an hour and serve.

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