Banana Milkshake/ Sharjah Shake

Banana milkshake /Sharjah Shake is a delicious and healthy summer treat.Here is the quick and easy recipe preparation:
Serves-2 large glass
  1. Banana-2 nos
  2. Frozen crushed milk- 1 1/2 cup
  3. Boost- 1/2 tsp
  4. Cashew nut- 3 nos
  5. Sugar-3 tbsp
  6. Vanilla Ice cream- 2 scoops
  7. Crushed nuts-to garnsh
  • Blend chopped bananas with frozen crushes of milk, boost, cashew nuts and sugar for 1 minute continously at high speed.
  • Add in to serving glasses and top each glass with a scoop of ice cream
  • Garnish on top with crushed nuts and little boost powder.
  • Serve soon and enjoy the great zip!!!!

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