Cucumber Cheese Sandwich

A cucumber cheese sandwich is a versatile and elegant choice for adults and kids. It’s simply tasted delicious with only few ingredients.  Here is the quick preparation of pretty cucumber sandwich.
  1. Bread – 4 slices
  2. Cucumber-1
  3. Cheese slice-2 sheets
  4. Lemon juice-1 tsp
  5. Pepper powder- ¼ tsp
  6. Salt-a pinch
  7. Curd-2 tbsp
  8. Thinly chopped coriander leaves-1 tbsp
  • Peel the cucumber and cut them in to small thin slices.
  • Sprinkle lemon juice, pepper powder and salt over it and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Mix curd with thinly chopped coriander leaves and a pinch of salt.
  • Apply half a tablespoon of curd on top of a bread slice.
  • Top it with tossed cucumber pieces.
  • Then place a cheese slice over it and again top it with another half a tablespoon of curd evenly.
  • Lastly cover it with a slice of bread.
  • Also, prepare another sandwich in the same manner.
  • Cut in two halves and enjoy.....

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