Mango-Vanilla Layered Pudding

Mango pudding is a perfect desert for this hot climate and moreover its the mango season.It needs only few ingredients and very easy to make. Here is a simple mango pudding recipe layered over vanilla pudding.

Ingredients For The mango Layer:
  1. Mango(ripe)_2nos
  2. Condensed milk-1/2 tin
  3. Fresh cream-1/4 cup
  4. Gelatin-2 tsp
  5. Thin Mango pieces-3 tbsp
  • Peel the skin of mango, cut in to small pieces and puree it in to a fine paste without adding water.
  • Add condensed milk and fresh cream in to it and mix well.
  • Mix gelatin with 3/4 cup of boiled hot water and mix until dissolved.
  • Mix it with above mango mixture.
  • Add thin mango pieces in to it and mix.   
  • Pour it in to a pudding tray and refrigerate until the top layer get's ready.
Ingredients for the Top layer:
  1. Milk-500 ml
  2. Sweetened condensed milk- 1/2 tin
  3. China Grass- 5 gm
  4. Water- 1/4 cup
  5. Vanilla extract- 1 tsp
  6. Grated chocolate shavings-for garnishing
  • Soak china grass in water for 15 minutes.
  • boil it with 1/4 cup of water and stir well until completely dissolves.
  • Meanwhile at the same time boil milk with condensed milk in another pan.
  • Add vanilla extract in to it and stir well.
  • When the china grass completely melts; the milk pan also gets the same temperature; add the milk mixture slowly in to the melted china grass water. Stir well for a minute and switch off the flame.
  • allow to cool fully.
  • Take the mango pudding tray from refrigerator and slowly pour the prepared vanilla pudding mix over it.
  • After half an hour of cooling sprinkle the crushed chocolate shavings on top to garnish.
  • Refrigerate for another 4 hours to set.
Cut in to pieces and enjoy!!!

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