Savory Bread Toast

Egg toast is a brilliant and lazy breakfast or snack idea. Usually we are making it in a sweet version ; ie French Toast. Savory bread toast is an another easy and quick version. It’s a great idea for kids snack box also.
  1. Bread slices-3 large
  2. Egg-2 nos
  3. Salt-little
  4. Pepper powder-  ½ tsp (optional)
  5. Thinly chopped onion-1 tbsp
  6. Thinly chopped coriander leves-1 tbsp
  7. Thinly chopped capsicum-1 tbsp
  8. Thinly chopped carrots-1 tbsp
  9. Thinly chopped tomato-1 tbsp
  10. Butter- 2 tbsp
  • Mix eggs with 3-9 ingredients well.
  • Take a piece of bread and apply a part of egg mixture on top evenly.
  • Heat a pan with little butter (1/2 tbsp) and add the bread slice with egg spread side touches the pan.
  • now add little egg mixture on top too.
  • Cook one side for a minute on low flame until cooked and nice golden in color.
  • Flip in to the other side and cook for another one minute.
  • Add in to serving plate and make diagonal cut.
  • Make the remaining two slices of bread in this way by applying little butter on the pan.
  • Serve it with little tomato ketchup and enjoy J

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