Orange Cake

It is a simple orange sponge cake recipe; smelt strongly of orange while cooking which was nice.

  1. Egg-1
  2. Orange juice-2tbsp
  3. Orange zest-1tsp
  4. Orange pulp-1tbsp
  5. Sugar-1/2cup
  6. All purpose flour-1/2cup
  7. Baking powder-1/4tsp
  8. Salt- a pinch
  9. Vanilla essence-1/4tsp
  10. Milk-2tbsp
  11. Oil-1tbsp
  12. Orange food color (optional)-a pinch
  • In a bowl; mix powdered sugar and eggs with a hand mixer.
  • Add baking powder, salt and zest of orange; mix it.
  • Add flour; keep mixing and add milk, vanilla essence, oil, orange juice and orange pulp.
  • Pour it in to small greased (with butter and flour) baking tray.
  • Put it in to preheated oven for 20minutes at 320degreeF.
For orange sauce:
  • Fresh orange juice-1/4cup
  • Sugar-1/4cup
  • Orange food color(optional)-a pinch
Heat these items in a pan; keep stirring on medium heat till it reaches thick sauce consistency.
For cream topping:
  • Icing sugar-3tbsp (1/4cup sugar crushed +1tsp corn flour)
  • Butter-3tbsp
Mix well butter and icing sugar; the cream is ready.
Now decorate the cake with cream topping and above the cream pour the orange sauce.

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