Mixed Fruit Juice Recipes

Simple fresh juices and smoothies always make us cleanse and refresh.  Adding more together will always produce a sense of well being.  Such recipes are an easy way to drink to your daily recommended intake.  Here is some of my combined juice experiments.

Mixed Fruit Juices

 1.Mixed watermelon juice:
  1. Watermelon chopped -1cup
  2. Orange juice-1cup
  3. Lemon juice-1tbsp
  4. Cherries-5nos
  5. Ice cube-3
  6. Sugar- to taste
  • Blend everything in a blender and serve cold.

2.Mixed smoothie:

For the bottom layer:
  1. Watermelon-1cup
  2. Strawberry- ¼ cup
  3. Sugar-to taste
  4. Ice cube-3
For the middle layer:
  1. Mango chopped- 1cup
  2. Honey-2tbsp
  3. Milk-2tbsp
  4. Ice cube-3
For the top layer:
  1. Avocado- half of one
  2. Milk-5tbsp
  3. Sugar-to taste
  4. Ice cube-3
  • Take two large glasses and put it in the freezer just 5 minutes before juice to make it chill.
  • Blend the bottom layer ingredients and pour in to the glasses.
  • Put it back to the freezer.
  • Blend middle layer ingredients and gently pour it in to the two glasses.
  • Put again back to the freezer.
  • Blend the top layer ingredients and gently pour on top of the glasses.
  • Serve and enjoy your smoothie.
  • Note: All layers should be in a thick consistency to form as a layer.  If one layer is thin, it will spoil the texture of juice. So adjust the amount of milk and ice cubes to get a thick wonderful layered smoothie.

3.Watermelon Kiwi Smoothie:
  1. Watermelon-2cup
  2. Milk-2tbsp
  3. Ice cubes-5
  4. Sugar-to taste
  5. Kiwi -1cup
  6. Sugar-to taste
  7. Ice cube-3
  • Take two large glasses and put it in the freezer just 5 minutes before juice to make it chill.
  • Blend the first three ingredients and pour half part of it in to the glasses and keep it in freezer.
  • Blend the other ingredients and pour it in to the glasses.
  • After 5 minutes of freezing, add the remaining watermelon mix on top of it.

4.Watermelon Punch:

  1. Watermelon-1cup
  2. Lemon juice-2tbsp
  3. Plain soda-1cup
  4. Mint leaves-few
  5. Ice cubes-3
  • Blend watermelon, lemon juice and ice cubes.
  • Top it with ice cubes and mint leaves.
  • Serve chilled.

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