Mango Halwa

Now its mango season and let's make a quick mango halwa dessert.
  1. Mango puree- 1 1/4 cup
  2. Sugar- 1/4 cup (more or less depends on the sweetness of mango)
  3. Ghee-5 tbsp
  4. Cardamom powder- 1/4 tsp
  5. Cornflour- 1/2 cup
  6. Water-1/2 cup
  7. Chopped nuts and dry fruits- 1/4 cup
  • Heat a non-stick pan with 2 tbsp of ghee.
  • Add the mango puree and cook for 5 minutes by stirring well.
  • Add sugar and mix well.
  • Dilute cornflour with 1/2 cup of water and add it in to the mango puree.
  • Stir well continuously; as it starts thickening.
  • when almost gets thickened add the remaining ghee and half of chopped nuts.
  • Stir well for few minutes and when it starts leaving from the sides of the pan;  add cardamom powder and mix well
  • Switch off the flame and add in to a square shaped greased pan.
  • Allow to cool completely and let it rest for few minutes to set. (or  refrigerate for an hour).
  • After that cut into pieces and enjoy!!!

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