Banana Halwa

We are always confused what to do with the ripe banana when someone brings a bunch of banana in to our home. Banana halwa is an easy and quick time recipe choice.

Banana Halwa
  1. Ripe banana-3nos
  2. Sugar-3tbsp
  3. Ghee-2tbsp
  4. Milk powder-1tbsp
  5. All purpose flour-1tsp
  6. Water-1 ½ cups
  7. Cardamom powder-1/2tsp
  8. Cashew nut roasted- to decorate

  • Peel off banana, Cut it through the Centre and remove the black seeds inside.
  • Cut the bananas in to small square pieces.
  • In non stick pan cook the banana pieces along with 1cup of water.
  • Cover the lid for about 5 minutes.
  • Mash the banana pieces continuously with a spoon until it fully dissolved in water.
  • When all the water get absorbed add sugar.
  • When it completely dissolves add the milk powder as a paste form by mixing with water.
  • Stir well continuously, add little ghee.
  • Add all purpose flour as a paste form by diluting with water.
  • Add ghee little by little until all the halwa leaving from the pan.
  • Add cardamom powder and switch off the flame.
  • Pour it in to a plate greased with little ghee, let it cool.
  • When the halwa cool down it becomes thick.
  • Cut it in to the desired shapes and decorate with cashew nut on top.

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