Coffee Cups Recipe

Coffee cup is a sweet yummy dessert. It is a treat for all coffee lovers and can make within no time.The course of semolina, milk maid and coffee powder gives a nice texture.

Milk Maid Coffee Cups
For the coffee cups:
  1. Semolina-2tbsp.
  2. Water-1cup
  3. Coffee powder-1tsp
  4. Milk maid-1/4cup
  5. Cashew nut, walnut, almond-few
For the chocolate sauce:
  1. Milk-3tbsp
  2. Coco powder-1tbsp
  3. Milk maid -2tbsp.
  4. Butter -2tsp.
  5. Water-3tbsp
  • In nonstick pan add all the ingredients except nuts for coffee cups and mix well without foaming any lumps.
  • Switch on the flame and stir well in a medium flame for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • When it reaches a thick sticky consistency add the chopped nuts in to it.
  •  switch off the flame.
  • Pour it in to small butter greased cups.
  • Allow it in to cool.
  • In another pan mix all the ingredients for chocolate sauce.
  • Heat the pan and stir well; till it reaches the thick sauce consistency.
  • Remold the coffee cups and pour the sauce on top of it.
  • Serve it cool or hot.

For the home maid Milk Maid:
  1. Milk-500ml
  2. Sugar-1cup
  • Heat a nonstick heavy bottom pan; add the milk and sugar.
  • Stir well when the milk starts boiling
  • Stir until it reaches the thick sauce milkmaid consistency.
  • It takes few times but tastes better.
  • If you want to store it for long time; add a pinch off baking soda in to it at the time of making.
  • Store it in an airtight container.


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