Simple Caramel Bread Pudding

Bread pudding is a very common pudding and lots of variety types included in it. Here comes one of the most simple and delicious menu.
  1. Bread- 8 slices cut up into small pieces
  2. Eggs-3
  3. Sugar-1cup
  4. Milk-2 1/2 cup 
  5. Cinnamon stick-1small piece
  6. Salt-a pinch
  7. Vanilla extract-1/2tsp.
  8. Vanilla essence-3drop
  • In a pan put a cup of sugar and 3 tablespoons of water. Stir well until sugar begins to melt. When it becomes brown in color remove from stove and pour 1tbsp of hot water and put it in a very low flame for few second.
  • In a saucepan, add the milk, sugar and cinnamon stick. Let it boils.
  • When it cool down, remove the cinnamon stick
  • Blend bread pieces(cut out the edges) with eggs and the rest of the ingredients with the cold milk.
  • Add caramel in a pudding mold.
  • Pour the mixture in the caramelized mold and bake for an hour in a double boiler (or steam cook it for 30-40 minutes.).
  • When it cool down, remold from the pan.

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