Dragon Fruit Smoothie and Salad

 Dragon fruit is a beautiful fruit that looks like a flower and has an intense shape and color. But it is difficult to explain how it tastes, not too sweet nor sour. It is a very nutritious and high fiber content fruit. Let's make a smoothie by mixing it with banana and strawberries.
  1. Dragon fruit -1 large (cut out and chopped)
  2. Banana-1 small
  3. Strawberry-5 nos
  4. Thick Curd-1 cup
  5. Ice Cubes-3 nos
  6. Sugar-2 tbsp
  • Blend all the ingredients until smooth.
  • Pour in to serving glasses and serve soon.
You can also serve the chopped dragon fruit pieces inside its shell by mixing with other chopped fruits as a salad!!!

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